Notícias:Rael denounces censorship of Jewish fanaticism
(Categoria: Misc)
Publicado por thomas
Domingo 12 Fevereiro 2012 - 05:44:36

LAS VEGAS, Feb 11 – “Why do Western media always criticize the fate of Muslim women but not that of Jewish women?” asked Rael, spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, in a statement released this morning after he heard of Deborah Feldman's book “Unorthodox.”

In the book, Feldman describes how she grew up in an ultra-conservative, New York City family in which she couldn’t read English books. Such books were considered “impure.” In addition, she had to cover her ankles and neck and she had to hide the fact that she had been sexually assaulted since she had been taught that male lust is uncontrollable. At 17, she was pushed into an arranged marriage. Once wed, she had to shave her head and wear a wig.

“Why do we only hear stories about Muslim extremists and not about extreme Jewish fundamentalists?” Rael asked. “Isn’t this additional proof that the media are controlled by Jews who want everyone to hate Muslims without saying anything wrong about Jewish traditions?”

As another example, Rael mentioned the case of a Hasidic Jewish teenager from New York who has just pleaded guilty to assault after setting a neighbor on fire. And why did he do such a thing? The neighbor wasn’t praying with the rest of the community.

“Burning someone because he doesn’t go to the synagogue anymore – isn’t this pure and mad fanaticism?” Rael commented. “If this had been done by a Muslim fanatic, all the media would have talked about it to incite anti-Muslim hatred. But since the man who did it is a Jew, there is total silence in the mainstream media, whose owners, as we well know, are mostly Jews.”

Esta notícia é proveniente deJews4Rael
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